Understand Male Hair Loss Treatment - Surgical And Non-Surgical Alternatives extra

Male Hair Loss Treatment - Surgical And Non-Surgical Alternatives

Hair Loss Treatment

Men in the twenties usually suffer from a hair loss condition, which is called male pattern hair loss. The medical term for this condition is Alopecia. Like other physical and mental problems we have solutions for this problem too in the form of male hair loss treatment. There are various hair loss treatments. Some of the best non-surgical hair replacement techniques and surgical treatments vary in cost from US$ 50 to US$20,000. So if you have Alopecia you can choose from a wide array of options.

You can find both cheap hair loss treatment options and costly hair loss treatment techniques. Choose the option, which is within your reach and at the same time provides the best value. The treatment depends a lot on the type and range of the problem. Abnormal baldness for males can be of two types. These are Androgenic alopecia and Alopecia areata. The treatment depends on the type of alopecia you are afflicted with.

There are mainly two methods that are used, namely, surgical and non-surgical. Surgical or mechanical treatment consists of hair transplantation, hair weaving, EXT etc. In hair transplantation hair from the thick hair area is picked and transplanted into the hair follicle of the bald spot on your scalp. Normally this surgery costs US$8,000 to US$20,000. The second surgical method is hair weaving. This is a bio matrix process. On the existing hair external hair is woven together. So the existing hair gets longer and covers the bald area. And lastly EXT stimulates the hair follicles to grow hair faster.

In the non-surgical process or in simple words medication, medicines like Propecia and Regaine are used. Propecia balances DHT, the hormone responsible for baldness and shortens the time of hair growth. On the other hand Regaine assists blood circulation on the scalp and helps the hair to grow faster. The non-surgical technique is a much cheaper option than surgery.

To learn more visit http://hair-care-info.blogspot.com/

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