Examine Hair Loss - Treatment for Women far more
Men aren't the only ones who experience pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness is a very real and difficult to deal with part of many women's lives. In addition to this, there are other atypical reasons for thinning hair in women. And the treatment options that women have as remedies for these problems are somewhat different than those available for men.
Hair loss is related to the hair growth cycle. Hair grows in cycles from 2 to 6 years, rests for a few months, and falls out. After it's shed from the follicle, it's replaced by new hair that starts growing shortly after the old hair falls. Under normal circumstances, about 85% of the hair on a head is growing while 15% is resting. When new hair does not replace the hair that falls out after the rest cycle, hair loss occurs.
While the cause of female pattern baldness is not certain, it is known to be related to hormones, genetics and aging. Androgens, a male sex hormone is the one that's responsible. After women who are predisposed to hair loss have gone through menopause, the hair on their heads can thin, while hair on the face can increase and coarsen. Female pattern baldness does not manifest itself in women the same as it does in men. Unlike men, women don't develop a receding hairline, bald crown or the often seen horseshoe shape. Instead, there is a thinning of hair over the entire head. We've all seen middle aged or older women whose scalp is visible through their hair.
Minoxidil, one of the drugs used in the treatment of male pattern baldness can also be used for women; though it has not been shown to be quite as effective in women as it is in men. While it will slow the progress of hair loss in most women, it will only grow new hair in about a quarter of those who use it. It must be applied twice a day, and is expensive to use as well. And there is an incidence of allergic reaction to the use of minoxidil in some women. Hair loss symptoms will resume if minoxidil treatment is halted.
Finasteride, the other medicinal hair loss treatment for men, has not proven to effectively stop hair loss in women. Even more of a concern though is that it is known to cause birth defects. It has not been approved as a treatment for hair loss in women, and should never be taken or handled by them because of the danger of fetal damage.
Another treatment option is hair replacement surgery. Hair that's taken from donor areas of the scalp where hair is still growing is transplanted into scalp areas that are thinning. In the past, hair was transplanted in plugs, which made it easy to spot those who had gone through the surgery. The days of the obvious transplant patient are over though; new techniques make transplants virtually undetectable. Newer methods transplant hair similar to the way it grows, using follicular units. These complete hair-growing units consist of the follicles, nerves, blood vessels and other supporting tissues. The use of these follicular units help to ensure that natural looking end results are achieved.
In addition to these medical treatments, there are non-medical, non-invasive approaches to female hair loss. Wigs and hairpieces, and hair weaves can cover up thinning hair; and some hairstyles can help to disguise it. These methods are the easiest, cheapest and safest courses of action to take in an effort to remedy hair loss.
Of course, the safest and cheapest of all is to simply accept it and not be overly concerned about it. For some women, this is a perfectly viable solution. But for those who would prefer to have at least the illusion of a full head of hair, the aforementioned options are available.
Hair LossStephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://hairlosscentralhome.com
Hair Loss - Treatment for Women
Hair LossRead through Hair Loss in Women - How to Identify It? far more
Hair loss in women is not unusual anymore. You can find hair fall and the baldness cases even in women today. The causes for this problem may be any, whether unhealthy diet, hereditary or other health problems.
It is easier to spot a bald guy, than bald women. But did you know that women also face the problem of hair loss. In fact more number of women undergo the hair thinning process.
Women undergo different hair loss treatment without knowing the main causes behind it. Let us discuss about various tips to identify the hair fall causes in women.
Most women lose their hair after giving birth to babies. This is because their hair follicles become dormant, as the body adjusts back from the physiological changes that she was going through since the last 9 months.
Diet too much
Women who diet too much lose hair easily. Women with too much weight, starve a lot which results in hair fall. The reason behind this is that the body doesn't have enough nutrients to maintain it. Besides losing hair, many women loose their teeth as well.
Salon treatments
Ladies often try out different hair salon treatments that involve chemicals as well. Chemicals are very risky as compared to the natural salon treatments.
Perms and colours
It is all right to get your hair coloured and permed. But as soon as you start noticing a sudden difference in your hair, like your hair becoming brittle or dry, it is advised to stop it. Continuing these processes even after witnessing such problems will damage your hair to a higher extent.
Other reasons for women losing hair is due to acute illness. It involves radiation or chemotherapy treatments from cancer. These treatments and other infections can cause your hair to rest, which later results in hair shedding. The hair will not begin to re- grow until and unless your body will heal.
Above are the few reasons that can cause hair fall in women. There are many ways by which women can stop hair from falling and can re- grow them.
Head massage- While washing your hair, rub your head. This will boost the blood circulation, which will help in supplying nutrients to your scalp.
Using a scented shampoo- Using a lavender scented shampoo will help relieving stress, which will in turn help reduce hair fall.
Vitamins- Bringing more and more vitamins like fruits and vegetables to your regular diet can help you to stop hair fall and re- grow healthy hair.
Lysine- Women who will increase the intake of amino acid lysine in their diet, will surely see great improvement within 4 months only.
For any help on Hair loss women, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Hair loss!
Hair Loss in Women - How to Identify It?
Hair LossGo through Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Solutions For An Overlooked Problem far more
Despite what you may have heard about the percentage of women who will suffer serious hair loss during their lives being minuscule compared to the half of all men fifty and over who will experience it, the reality is quite different. Studies have no shown that over 60% of women past the age of sixty will actually have some hair loss.
Because, however, hair loss may come later in life, and be less severe for women than it is for men, pharmaceutical companies searching for cures to male pattern baldness are not as invested in seeking a hair loss treatment for women. And many women who experience hair loss do so as a side effect of an underlying disease.
Women's hair loss treatment often focuses on treating the diseases, like cancer, which are causing it. Chemotherapy is notorious for causing hair loss, and once a woman has completed her course of chemotherapy, her hair growth resumes.
Very few women suffer from the degree and permanence of hair loss which afflicts men, hair loss treatment for women takes a different approach. Most women recover from their hair loss naturally; very few men will experience any re-growth without intervention. And while many men have significant or even complete hair loss, women's hair loss is usually limited to some thinning instead of actual baldness.
Hormonal-Related Hair Loss
Research has indicated that, as women have a decrease in their estrogen production after menopause, they also have an increased incidence of hair loss. There is reason to think that the estrogen loss and hair loss are related, and that replacing the estrogen with birth control pills will be effective as a hair loss treatment for women.
And birth control pills have, in fact, proven effective as a hair loss treatment for women.
Birth control pills, however, can produce undesirable side effects, and those using them fora hair loss treatment for women should monitor themselves carefully.
The condition telogen effluvium produces an overall thinning of the scalp hair, and is caused either by a hormonal imbalance or a vitamin deficiency. With telogen effluvium, a larger than normal number of hair follicles enter their resting state simultaneously while remaining capable of producing healthy hair. TE is easily treatable with copper peptide spray, which was created specifically to shorten the time that hair follicles remain dormant.
Hair loss treatment is a big business, but the reality is that there are only a handful of substances which have been proven to work effectively in restoring hair growth. The key to a successful hair loss treatment for women is to get the proper diagnosis for the condition underlying your hair loss, and then research the recommended hair loss treatments for womwn to find the one with the most proven track record.
Hair Loss Treatment WomenTag :
Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Solutions For An Overlooked Problem
Read through DHT and Hair Loss extra
DHT hair loss affects both men and women.
DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone which is the resulting product
of direct contact between the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, found in
the skin and the scalp, with the hormone testosterone.
DHT hair loss is caused by the DHT binding to receptor sites on
the scalp and hair follicles which interrupts and interacts with
the normal chain of events involved in continual healthy hair
To put it another way, DHT hair loss happens when DHT takes over
the receptor cell (the cells on the hair follicle that bind to
DHT) and sends false signals to the functioning cells responsible
for proper hair growth.
Men usually lose hair first in the temporal area, second in the
crown, and third, in the vertex or top of the scalp. This is due
to the concentration of sweat glands that carry DHT in these
Women on the other hand generally thin in a diffuse manner.
Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years,
produce NewHair Biofactors shampoos which stop DHT hair loss
within 1 week guaranteed!
The deep cleansing scalp shampoo removes unwanted oils, sweat,
dirt and excess sebum as well as neutralizing surface DHT. The
stimulating extracts penetrate further into the scalp to
neutralize DHT in the scalp thereby creating a healthy scalp
environment needed for hair growth.
Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:
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Check the Hair Loss Library for answers to all your hair loss questions:
DHT and Hair Loss
Hair LossExamine Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think extra
Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think
Hair LossCauses of Female Hair Loss
Today, serious hair loss is an increasing problem that affects about 30 million women in America of all ages. Every month, our hair grows at the rate of about half an inch, and each hair has a growing phase of from two to six years. After that, the hair "rests" for a while, then proceeds to fall out, and the follicle which nourished it starts to grow a new strand as part of an ongoing cycle.
Some of us are genetically predisposed to hairloss, and a group of hormones disturbs the growth process. These hormones (androsteinedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone) are present in a man's body in greater amounts and in a women's body in lesser amounts. In time, some of the hair follicles die, and others are no longer able to produce or maintain normal hair growth.
Female Pattern HairLoss
In women, medical professionals refer to this as "female pattern hairloss," a broad term indicating that many other causes are also related to this condition. These include other enzymes, blockers, and hormone receptors. Since it is diffuse, female pattern baldness encircles the top of the head, and enzyme and hormone receptor sites vary throughout the scalp.
Other causes of female pattern hair loss include polycystic ovary syndrome (a female hormonal problem). Certain autoimmune disorders may cause inflammation of the scalp, and the hair comes out in patches or clumps. Women's natural hair growth patterns can also be altered by severe emotional trauma, childbirth, surgery, "crash" dieting, anemia, thyroid conditions, and certain medications.
Since the causes are varied, it is essential for women who suffer significant hair loss to obtain a correct diagnosis of their condition and find the underlying medical problem that should be treated initially. This is often done with blood tests or, when it becomes necessary, a scalp biopsy.
If you are a woman looking for a cure for your hair loss, I highly recommend you try out Provillus for women. Provillus is the only topical and dietary supplement approved by the FDA to regrow hair for women. Check out my personal review of it here: [http://www.hairloss4women.com/provillus-for-women-review/]
Read Women Losing Hair much more
Women Losing Hair
Hair Loss Treatment WomenIt is not at all uncommon to hear of women losing hair. Hair loss not only affects men, but women as well. Women who are experiencing hair loss will find that there are many treatment options available. There are many treatments that range from shampoos, creams, and vitamins to more extravagant options such as hair transplant. It is important that you find the treatment option that is right for you. To do that, you should be sure that you are well informed about the loss of hair and all of the options available.
Hair loss is caused by several things, genetics being the most common. If your parents or grandparents had problems, then you probably will too. This is known as male pattern baldness in men, and female pattern baldness in women. Another factor that causes loss of hair is changes in hormones. One of the most common hormones that cause loss of hair is called DHT, or dihydrotestosterone. In addition to these, loss of hair can also be caused by poor nutrition.
Women losing hair may find a variety of treatment options. There are things on the market such as creams, shampoos, and vitamins. Hair transplant is also an option that many women choose. One of the best topical treatments that I have found is provillus. Provillus comes in formulations for both men and women. It contains an FDA approved ingredient that works great for stimulating hair growth. As well as the topical formula, Provillus comes with a vitamin that is formulated for the promotion of hair growth.
In addition to the best hair growth treatment for women, it is important that women losing hair consume a proper diet. Eating plenty of nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, as well as the appropriate amount of protein can be very beneficial for healthy hair growth. You should also take a daily multivitamin, as this will restore nutrients that you have used. Vitamin B is one of the best vitamins for hair growth. Proper nutrition promotes growth as well as healthy looking and vibrant hair. A healthy diet is also essential for women losing hair.
Are you losing hair or want to avoid hair loss?
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Provillus Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women is FDA Approved and has been consistently rated #1 by consumers for years! Try it for FREE today.
Read Hair Loss Treatment for Women - Issues and Remedies a lot more
Hair Loss Treatment for Women - Issues and Remedies
Hair Loss TreatmentFor many ladies, hair is an important part of their individuality. Regardless if it is long or short, colored or normal, wonderful and frivolous or impressive and classic, just how ladies do their hair usually indicates exactly how they desire the world to view them. This is the reason why hair loss for women can be so damaging. Regardless of whether via chemotherapy or alopecia (or another disease), experiencing losing hair adds to the hardship of the situation. This is the reason why hair loss treatment for women is really critical for many ladies. In addition, normal factors that happen to every woman may play a role in losing your hair. Immediately after menopausal, the hair of many ladies actually starts to thin.
Furthermore, things that are made up of plenty of estrogen (for instance birth control capsules), can cause quite a bit of loss of hair.
For females having mild to major loss of hair, not necessarily linked to a serious illness, diet plans might help lower the loss of hair. Despite the fact that a vegetarian diet plan possesses many benefits, iron is a vital building block of good hair. One particular good supply of iron is red meat, even though it's also present in substantial amounts in spinach and meats. Merely altering your diet plan is really a low-cost and easy hair loss treatment for women.
Many females also experience hair loss due to the things they put their hair through. Excessive chemical solutions and high temperature could cause the hair follicles to snap and turn out to be damaged. In severe instances, chemical hair treatments (such as perms and color treatments) can burn the hair and lead it to fall out entirely. This is why untouched hair tends to be the best. There are a handful of alternative hair styles, like pony tails, that may trigger hair damage.
There are different commercial hair loss treatment for women products available on the market. Several of them tend to focus on a specific area, or to have a unique substance (such as fructose or iron). Several of such products might cause the hair to become thick and to give the hair a defensive layer so that it is not susceptible to damage. Each and every product functions considerably different, and might have different outcomes from woman to woman, so it is important to research and try if one item fits you.
If you are looking for reviews and suggestions on hair loss products for women [http://hairlosstreatmentforwomen101.org/best-hair-loss-treatment-do-you-need-womens-hair-loss-help] then Marshall suggests that you definitely check out this site that is all about hair loss treatment for women [http://hairlosstreatmentforwomen101.org].
Read through Hair Loss Symptom - Recognizing the Signs a lot more
Hair loss is a condition that most people wouldn't want to have. As much as they may not want to admit it, the condition affects how they think of themselves and how they relate to others socially. You could take note of some symptoms if you're worried about possibly suffering from hair loss. Do remember though that a hair loss symptom will depend on the kind of hair loss condition you have.
Androgenetic Alopecia
95% of individuals who suffer from hair loss are known to have androgenetic alopecia. In this condition, it is the genes and hormones that are responsible for whatever hair loss symptom there is.
Men and Hair Loss - Among men, this condition may first be noticed in a thinning of the temple hair strands and a receding hair line. Eventually the most evident hair loss symptom will be the gradual formation of a horseshoe pattern. Men will develop a bald top area with hair remaining only at the back of the head and a little on the temples.
Female Hair Loss - The hair loss symptom of women with the same condition is a little different. Women do not end up with bald patches or a bald top. The normal hair loss symptom is an overall diffuse thinning of the hair. Women will appear to have thinner hair with scalp areas becoming obvious through the remaining thin hair strands.
Alopecia Aratea
Although it is not as common as androgenetic alopecia, it is also another cause for hair loss. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the hair follicles resulting in the loss of hair. The main hair loss symptom of this condition is the appearance of round patches or areas in the scalp without hair while the rest of the scalp may retain hair strands.
Telogen Effluvium
Stress and Hair Loss - This hair loss condition is believed to occur most among people who are subjected to a lot of physical, emotional or mental stress. In this condition, the hair loss symptom is a general increase in hair shedding. This happens because a lot of hair strands suddenly shift from the growing to the resting phase and fall off in approximately 3 months or so.
Traction Alopecia
Hairstyle Factor - This is the type of hair loss that is primarily caused by hairstyles that are too tight. These styles include braids, corn rolls and ponytails. When the hair is bound too tightly, the strands may get uprooted resulting in a hair loss symptom of small areas or without hair. The problem here is that if the damage is extensive, the scalp may begin to heal and the damage may eventually develop into scar tissue. This makes hair rehabilitation and further hair growth difficult, if not, impossible.
Vitamin Deficiency - A hair loss symptom may also be obvious under other conditions or situations aside from those mentioned above. It has been discovered for example that individuals who are deficient in some vitamins and minerals like biotin, iron and vitamin B6 may suffer from hair loss.
Cancer Medication - In some cases, an obvious hair loss symptom may be noticed if a person is under medications like blood thinners, steroids and cancer medicines. A person could also suffer from hair loss due to very severe illness like thyroid disease, severe anemia, severe infection and lupus.
Find out more regarding the connection between stress and hair loss. Discover ways to reduce your hair loss symptom.
Hair Loss Symptom - Recognizing the Signs
Hair LossRead Women and Hair Loss - Natural Treatments For Thinning Hair Women Can Use to Stimulate Growth extra
The issue of women and hair loss is gaining more attention as the awareness grows that this is not just a man's problem. Women have unique needs when it comes to this issue. The idea of using a medication to reverse hair loss may not be very appealing for many women. For one thing, there is the risk of side effects. Also, women tend to shy away from the long term use of medications during their childbearing years. There are natural treatments for thinning hair women can successfully use to stimulate their strands to grow back.
What Causes Thinning Hair in Women?
There are a number of different factors which can cause women's hair to start thinning. There are some medical conditions that are more common in women, and hair loss is one of the symptoms. Lupus, anemia, and the hormonal changes which occur after childbirth and during menopause can cause women to lose strands in clumps.
Discuss your symptoms with a physician. If you have a health issue which needs to be addressed, your treatment for this condition can also help your hair resume its normal growth cycle.
Androgenic Alopecia
When it comes to women and hair loss, some people mistakenly believe that the genetic causes of thinning hair only affect men. This is probably why the androgenic alopecia is commonly called male pattern baldness. The truth is this condition is just as common in women.
Androgenic alopecia is linked to the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which women produce in their ovaries. DHT causes the strands to fall out by damaging the follicles. Treating this condition involves curbing the production of DHT.
Natural Treatments for Women and Hair Loss Prevention Tips
Women can stop their strands from thinning by taking a multi-vitamin supplement. Some women successfully thicken their strands by taking prenatal vitamins.
The herbs rosemary, saw palmetto, and green tea help prevent the body from converting testosterone into DHT, which allows the follicles to continue functioning and allows the strands to grow back.
Massage your scalp regularly to stimulate blood flow to the scalp. This will also remove and dirt and bacteria which can potentially clog the follicles and cause the strands to fall out.
It is very important for you to begin treatment for your hair loss as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent. Learn more about choosing effective hair loss remedies and preventing baldness.
Visit: http://hairlosstreatmentsrevealed.com/
Women and Hair Loss - Natural Treatments For Thinning Hair Women Can Use to Stimulate Growth
Hair Loss Treatment WomenRead Thyroid Hair Loss - Does Hypothyroidism Cause Hair Loss? additional
To better understand thyroid hair loss and does hypothyroidism cause hair loss, we need to first define thyroid and its key effects on the body.
Your thyroid system plays an important part to help achieve equilibrium between metabolism and calcium balance. Most of the thyroid tissue consists of the follicular cells, which is key to secreting iodine-containing hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T5) that in turn stimulate every tissue in your body to create proteins and enhance oxygen. Your calcitonin and parathyroid hormones on the other hand, functions in tandem to regulate calcium levels.
Thyroid disorder can take place in instances of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism, or what is most commonly known as Graves disease, indicates over activity of the thyroid gland, leading to too much production in the blood, giving rise to an over active metabolism. Hypothyroidism or under active thyroid, on the other hand, is the under active thyroid condition which often affects pregnant women. Symptoms are not obvious as they resemble those of pregnancy. For those of us who are not pregnant, signs of this condition are reflected in yellowish skin and bumps on eyelids, fatigue, swollen eyes, and hair loss.
Very often, if you are suffering from balding, your personal physician will advise you to do a series of tests to ascertain if you do indeed have the disorder and not induced by other medication or alternative treatments. Thyroid hair loss can manifest in both hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism and it arises due to the fact that the disorder channels your body energy away to counter the added physical stress from the condition, thereby shutting down your hair growth.
Hence from the above, in answer to the question "does hypothyroidism cause hair loss?", it is a resounding yes. Here we look to related medications which could be culprit to triggering thyroid hair loss. Take for instance, Synthroid, a medication for hypothyroidism, containing the chemical component levothyroxine which is known to cause hair loss.
Since thyroid hair loss is very often a temporary side effect and will disappear when your thyroid condition stabilises, you may not wish to resort to surgery to correct the problem. Alternative solutions to the problem may include consumption of supplements and even simple hair replacement solutions like hair-pieces and toupee.
Consumption of evening primrose oil and the topical application of essential oils such as a concoction of cedar oil, lavender, and rosemary have also been known to stimulate hair growth. The application of ancient Chinese herbal concoctions including Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica), Ginkgo Biloba, as well as He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) are also effective in re-growing thyroid hair loss.
The true sense of re-growing thyroid hair loss lies in the process of hair transplant treatment. This is not encouraged unless you are experiencing severe thyroid hair loss from the condition. Strands or slices of hair are implanted into the bald portion of the scalp and over the span of three to four months you will see new hair sprouting out from the scalp. Key drawbacks of this procedure are that you must be able to withstand the pain of the implant, as well as have patience to wait out the long months of dormant and incubating period.
In any case, if you have thyroid hair loss, it is important to consult the doctor or a hair specialist to work out comprehensive and safe hair replacement solutions that suit your budget, convenience and threshold of pain.
Check out your Hair Restoration [http://www.hair-restoration-guide.org] options here and Get the best hair replacement systems at the Hair-Restoration-guide.org [http://www.hair-restoration-guide.org] now.
Thyroid Hair Loss - Does Hypothyroidism Cause Hair Loss?
Hair LossStudy Best Male Hair Loss Treatment much more
For many men, finding the best male hair loss treatment can be quite difficult. There are so many products on the market promising to stop hair loss now, it can be confusing and frustrating to weed through all of the different treatments to find what's best. What may further complicate the issue is simply the cause of losing one's hair can be very different from person to person.
It's a good idea, if you are looking to find the best male hair loss treatment, that you immediately consult your doctor the moment you realize you are starting to lose hair. This is because there are a wide variety of reasons as to why it could be happening. Most people assume that their losing their hair is the result of genetics, but the truth is that this is not always the case. Stress, vitamin deficiency, underactive/overactive thyroid, and medication, among others, can all cause you to lose your hair.
You should take a look at some of the symptoms of people who are suffering from thyroid dysfunction or vitamin deficiency, as you may find, to your surprise, that you are experiencing some of these same symptoms. Fortunately, thyroid dysfunction and vitamin deficiency are typically relatively simple to treat, so if you suspect you might have one (or both) of these medical conditions, you should not panic.
Your doctor should perform a blood test, as well as ask you questions about your lifestyle and diet, to figure out what may be the cause for your hair loss. While it's entirely possible the reasons may be genetic -- such as due to the chemical DHT preventing the hair follicle from regrowing hair -- it's also possible that you have a relatively easy-to-treat condition that is causing your hair to thin or fall out.
If you find you are starting to lose your hair, it's a good idea to immediately book an appointment with your primary care physician. Discuss with them any concerns you may have, as well as an effective male hair loss treatment they may be aware of.
Ruri Ranbe is a part-time freelance writer. She has written related articles on hair loss, including: Cure for Baldness and Hair Loss Cure.
Best Male Hair Loss Treatment
Hair Loss TreatmentUnderstand Treatment For Hair Loss Baldness - Stop Losing Your Hair! far more
As you begin to bald, do you think about hair loss baldness treatment? There are a few things we could do without, and one of them is losing our hair! Do you remember having a full head of hair as a youth? Now when you comb or brush your hair, there is more hair in the brush or in the sink. You look in the mirror, and see that you hair has really receded. There is good news! Treatment is available to stop you from your losing your hair, and going bald.
When you start to age, hormonal changes take place, and you begin to experience hair thinning. The hormone Dihydrotestosterone or DHT, is one of the factors of thinning hair. It stops hair production. It is released into the bloodstream, and cuts off the nutrition that hair follicles need. It should also be mentioned that hereditary factors also come in to play with receding hair.
Fortunately there are many ways to treat balding that have been found to be effective. You can stop your hair lthinning, and start to re-grow it back again! Vitamin and mineral supplement treatment, herbal treatment with Saw Palmetto are some options. If you are seeking the quickest method, then you should consider Minoxidil.
Minoxidil is an FDA approved drug that is ahead of all other types of hair loss baldness treatment, and clinically proven to re-grow hair. It is the most effective treatment for hair loss baldness! Minoxidil is a powerful drug that speeds up hair growth!It prevents DHT from binding with hair follicles, and stimulates hair re-growth. Hair grows thicker, and stronger with use.
Treatment for hair loss baldness is easy and convenient with Minoxidil. Used only as a topical solution, it is readily absorbed into the hair follicle. It can also be taken as a supplement along with a topical solution applied to the thinning area for quick stimulation.
Minoxidil treatment is the first choice of most people. Studies have shown that hair re-growth success depends on dose strength. The higher the dosage of Minoxidil, the higher the percentage of re-growth. Using Minoxidil provides a gradual re-growth that appears natural.
There are alternative methods for the treatment of balding, and some can be painful, and expensive. The use of plugs and transplants should be a last resort. Minoxidil treatment is easy, effective, and cost effective. The results of using Minoxidil are extremely successful. You want the best for hair loss baldness treatment, and Minoxidil should be on the top of the list!
Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?
John Farikani is an expert on hair loss baldness treatment.
Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site http://www.baldness-prevention.com
Treatment For Hair Loss Baldness - Stop Losing Your Hair!
Hair Loss TreatmentStudy Hair Loss Treatment Help extra
Causes of hair loss are wide and varied. Wearing pigtails, cornrows or using tight hair rollers can cause hair loss due to pulling action. This type of hair loss is called traction alopecia. Sometimes using hot oil or chemicals on scalp may cause inflammation or burning in the hair follicles and result in hair loss. Major surgery, stress, long illness, and hormonal problems can also cause hair loss in large amounts. Temporary illnesses usually do not cause hair loss.
Baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men. Some time women also develop female pattern baldness. In female hair loss begins usually in the form hair thinning.
Diagnosing: The doctors usually enquire about food habits, diet, recent illness, medications, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause etc for diagnosing the cause of hair loss. Blood tests or a biopsy from scalp is also done if necessary.
Treatment for hair loss : Hair loss treatments are available according to the type hair loss. If the hair loss is due to medications, doctors prescribe different medicines. If the hair loss is due to infections usually antibiotics are prescribed. Hair loss due to hormonal imbalance is corrected using hormone/ steroid injections. Medicines are also available to help in preventing the development of baldness. Following are some of the common medicines available for preventing hair loss or slowing down baldness.
Minoxidil: This medicine is applied on the scalp. Both men and women can use this medicine. This medicine is available over the counter however it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.
Finasteride: This medicine is suitable only for men and it comes in the form of pills. This medicine is available only on prescription.
The other methods to reduce or prevent hair loss include stress reduction and regular exercise. Regular exercise can help to keep the androgen levels low. Stress reduction methods like Yoga, Reiki, laughter therapy etc are great for reducing hair loss.
Find more about Hair Loss [http://www.leandernet.com/Hair_loss/Hair_loss_treatment.php] on [http://www.leandernet.com/Hair_loss/Hair_loss_treatment.php] . More useful content on LeanderNet - [http://www.leandernet.com]
Hair Loss Treatment Help
Hair Loss TreatmentRead Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Women That Work far more
According to Relevant Research Inc., there are approximately 21 million female Americans suffering from losing hair. Luckily, there are many treatments including natural, prescription medicines, and surgeries. However, prescription medicines and surgeries are recommended only for very serious hair loss problems.
If you prefer natural hair loss treatment for women, there are many to consider. Below are some of the best.
1. Massaging Scalp
There are several studies that showed poor blood flow as a culprit to hair loss. The hair follicles do not receive enough oxygen to produce healthy hair. In this case, massage will be an effective hair loss treatment for women. Women who are suffering from losing their hair are advised to massage their scalp at least every other day. It can be done using two fingers to be moved in a circular motion in such a way that hair is not pulled. It should be done for three to five minutes. Massaging the scalp should help you improve blood flow in the area resulting to a healthier scalp and hair follicles.
You can also combine massage with aromatherapy. Get bay leaf, lavender oil and almond oil. If you don't have almond oil, you can also use sesame oil. Mix the ingredients and apply it to the scalp. Your scalp should feel relaxed. Let it stay for additional 15 minutes after the 5-minute massage.
2. Nourishing the Hair
Aside from massaging, one must also nourish the hair which can be done from inside and out. Nourishing the hair from the inside can be done by engaging to a healthy diet. Be sure to eat foods that are rich in protein. They are not only good for the body. The protein and other nutrients can also be passed on to the hair follicles. The protein can be used to build new protein that consists of keratin that makes up the hair.
In addition, the hair needs to be nourished externally. There are vitamins, nutrients and oils that can be applied to the hair. Some options are herbal oil like Jojoba oil and the ones that contain B vitamins.
3. Deep-Conditioning
There are some natural deep conditioners that you can buy. They are to be used once or twice a week. They are like regular conditioners but they are to be left for a longer period. Make sure to look for the directions for use. You should also check the ingredients. Avoid deep conditioners that have chemicals such as lauryl sulfate. It would be better if the conditioner is made from natural ingredients.
Hair loss is a problem by both men and women but women seem to be more conscious about it. Various treatments are available but mild mane loss problems can be treated with a cheap, safe and natural hair loss treatment for women. One can massage scalp to improve blood flow. It is better if oils used for aromatherapy will also be applied. One should also nourish hair from inside and out through protein-rich diet and application of hair vitamins with essential oils like Jojoba oil. Deep conditioning is also a natural way to treat hair loss.
Hair Loss Treatment WomenStill sick and tired of suffering from hair loss & thinning hair and you might have tried everything in a desperate attempt to revitalize your hair but with no permanent result?
If you have 2 minutes, then I will show you "The New Natural Hair Loss Treatment & Hair Re-growth Solution For MEN and WOMEN! It has been proven in clinical studies to prevent hair loss and promote re-growth in 90% of test participants.
The dual action solution will put a dead stop to any hair loss or thinning you might be experiencing plus stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go!
To prevent further hair loss or seek hair re-growth, visit HarVokse Dual Action Solution
Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Women That Work
Hair Loss Treatment WomenUnderstand Male Hair Loss Treatment - Surgical And Non-Surgical Alternatives extra
Male Hair Loss Treatment - Surgical And Non-Surgical Alternatives
Hair Loss TreatmentMen in the twenties usually suffer from a hair loss condition, which is called male pattern hair loss. The medical term for this condition is Alopecia. Like other physical and mental problems we have solutions for this problem too in the form of male hair loss treatment. There are various hair loss treatments. Some of the best non-surgical hair replacement techniques and surgical treatments vary in cost from US$ 50 to US$20,000. So if you have Alopecia you can choose from a wide array of options.
You can find both cheap hair loss treatment options and costly hair loss treatment techniques. Choose the option, which is within your reach and at the same time provides the best value. The treatment depends a lot on the type and range of the problem. Abnormal baldness for males can be of two types. These are Androgenic alopecia and Alopecia areata. The treatment depends on the type of alopecia you are afflicted with.
There are mainly two methods that are used, namely, surgical and non-surgical. Surgical or mechanical treatment consists of hair transplantation, hair weaving, EXT etc. In hair transplantation hair from the thick hair area is picked and transplanted into the hair follicle of the bald spot on your scalp. Normally this surgery costs US$8,000 to US$20,000. The second surgical method is hair weaving. This is a bio matrix process. On the existing hair external hair is woven together. So the existing hair gets longer and covers the bald area. And lastly EXT stimulates the hair follicles to grow hair faster.
In the non-surgical process or in simple words medication, medicines like Propecia and Regaine are used. Propecia balances DHT, the hormone responsible for baldness and shortens the time of hair growth. On the other hand Regaine assists blood circulation on the scalp and helps the hair to grow faster. The non-surgical technique is a much cheaper option than surgery.
To learn more visit http://hair-care-info.blogspot.com/
You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.
Understand Guy Tips: Effective Male Hair Loss Treatments a lot more
Guy Tips: Effective Male Hair Loss Treatments
Hair Loss TreatmentEffective Male Hair Loss Treatments
Hair loss not only affects your scalp but your entire body as well. Quite a lot of factors could be attributed to hair loss like heredity or as a result of any medical condition. Hair loss is a phenomenon which can affect any individuals at any point of time. Be it men, women as well as children everyone is prone to it at some point of time. Some men resort to trendy hairstyles to cover it while others resort to some sort of surgical procedures to cover up the loss of hair. A look at some of the male hair loss treatments which can be classified into medications as well as surgical treatments
Medications for Male Hair Loss Treatments
This happens to be the first drug approved by the FDA. Research points to the fact that when people were taking medication for this drug, it was observed that hair growth emerged in various areas. If it is applied on the bald areas there is a strong possibility that hair growth may result, but it can be conferred that it is revolutionary concept. In terms of figures minoxidil is found to be effective in 25 % of the men who have baldness in the crown. It comes in the forms of solid as well as liquid and should be used twice in a day and the growth of the hair occurs as long as it is used.
In medical terms is also referred to as Proscar or Propecia has been prescribed by the doctors to stop the hair loss process as well as reduce the balding process. The medicine normally takes about three months to show the desired results, and the hair loss may recur after one year of taking the medicine. On the negative tone of things certain drawbacks in the form of impotence as well as ejaculation disorders may be found as well
Surgical Procedures for Male Hair Loss Treatments
Hair transplants
This is a procedure where the hair from the back or side of the scalps are taken and planted into the bald areas. This is one of the most effective methods of male hair treatments and the procedures have improved over the years. Though it must be stated that it takes a number of years to show the desired results
Tissue expansion
This is a procedure in which tiny balloons are inserted under the scalps of the hair and time evolves they are gradually deflated as well. In the overall context the area of the hair increases by alteast one third percent which is then removed by surgery and then the adjacent sides of the hair are pulled to the top of the hair.
Our Tip for Male Hair Loss Treatments
If things could be put in right perspective an individual should understand on how to opt for the above forms of treatments as well as the side effects of it. If all the treatments do not avail the desired results, then one can opt for a wig as well. They come in different shapes as well as sizes!
Sreejan Guha Niyogi is the main contributor at http://loveandlifestyles.com. It is targeted for all those who are in need of actual dating advice. The content is prepared from proven facts and records and hence we are assured that our readers will benefit from the blog if they follow the advice religiously.
Read Hair Loss - Minerals For Hair Health additional
Hair Loss - Minerals For Hair Health
Hair LossRecognizing that you have the proper minerals in your body will help not just to balance your physique, but can also support healthy hair. There are certain types of minerals used for healthy hair and preventing hair loss. In this article, we'll introduce you to them.
The first mineral that is known to support continuous hair growth is calcium. It will let your hair get stronger and continue to move through your scalp. Calcium is found in fish, dairy, yeast, nuts, tofu, and beans. Calcium works with magnesium. When combining food that has calcium with magnesium, you make sure that you will have better hair growth. Some common foods with high magnesium are nuts, grains, fish, beans, and green vegetables.
Another of the minerals that will help is copper. It helps with preventing hair loss, and also is good for your hair's color and thickness. Copper can be added to the diet rhough grains, chicken, meat, eggs, and beans.
Iron is acknowledged to prevent hair loss as well. Nevertheless, iron will work also in preventing anemia; it can be found in similar foods as copper is. A third mineral effective in the same mode is silica, and is found in the same foods that copper is.
Manganese is the major mineral used to keep your hair growing at a fast pace. It can be found in beans, grains, avocados, nuts, eggs, fish, and other meats. Seeing that you get enough manganese can guarantee your hair will stay young looking.
Minerals also work to equalize circulation in the scalp. Inferior circulation is frequently a cause of hair loss. Potassium is an effective mineral at providing regular circulation; this will permit the proper nutrients to travel to the scalp and assist hair growth. Selenium also helps provide more suppleness in your scalp, allowing circulation flow to the hair follicles and providing healthier hair. These minerals can be found in grains meats, , and dairy products.
Whether you want to prevent hair loss from happening or are trying to get a full body of hair back, then you can try increasing your intake of minerals. Any of the above minerals can also be consumed as supplemental pills. With the correct minerals, you can be assured you will have a healthy hair and scalp.
Visit http://www.fountia.com and learn why you lose hair and find out the link between Cushing's syndrome and hair loss.
Read Hair Loss Treatment For African Americans more
Hair Loss Treatment For African Americans
Hair Loss Treatment WomenMen and women of the black culture are known for their intricate and unique hair styles. These styles are labor-intensive and place a great deal of strain on the hair follicles; they endure abuse for beauty. Constant pulling and tugging on these strands contributes to hair weakening and loss. Ultimately, it is the essential structure of black hair that causes hair loss to be so common, but hair loss treatment for African Americans may be easier than you think.
The kinky texture of black hair is extremely misleading because it looks and feels so incredibly thick and strong. However, this is an entirely false presentation. When hair is wavy, curly, or kinky, the molecules in the hair are actually distorted from the standard circular molecular structure of straight hair. These molecules are oval or oblong, which means they are thinner than their circular counterparts and break or become damaged much more easily. Hair loss treatment for African Americans may be necessary after excessive use of products such as hair coloring and permanents. Cosmetic alterations such as these also change the chemical structure of hair and the shape and structure of molecules. This is why a permanent is possible, because it internally alters the structure of the follicle.
Even with these facts, it is misleading to think that a hair loss treatment for African Americans should be specially formulated for their hair. Very often, it is a simple misunderstanding in the overall structure of black hair and the type of maintenance it requires that causes hair problems for people of this culture. Since kinky hair is structurally not as a strong as straight hair, it does not maintain itself as well. This hair type is naturally very dry and demands consistent use of conditioners. Moisture intensive conditioners are always a good choice, but remember that this hair is extremely fragile. Enriched conditioners with collagen, cholesterol, and aloe vera strengthen and condition the scalp and hair inside and out. Leave-in conditioners are another excellent way to protect black hair from drying out and being damaged by environmental factors. The misconception in hair loss treatments for African Americans is that they require some type of medicated approach. The reality is that simple changes in caring for this special hair type are all that is needed. It is the difference between a full head of hair and patches.
Black culture presents such exquisite and intense hair styles as cornrows, up-do's, braids, and others, all of which are timely in their construction but beautiful in their presentation. Many of these styles are pulled tightly to the scalp in order to allow the hairstyle to be displayed for long periods of time without showing signs of wear. Long periods of tension between strand and scalp cause many hairs to snap into the braids or cornrows, or cause follicles to uproot from the scalp completely. By limiting the intensity of hairstyles, hair condition and fullness begin to improve dramatically. This method is one of the simplest and most money-saving hair loss treatments for African Americans.
Daily maintenance of hair needs to be done with the proper equipment. Fine-toothed combs are notoriously bad for hair, especially black hair, as they rip hairs directly from the scalp. Specially manufactured brushes are available for wavy, curly, and kinky hair. Remember: the molecules are already weakened by their structure, so the addition of excessive pulling and tugging with a poorly designed brush is just going to snap these locks in half. A set of good brushes is one of the best investments you can make if you are dealing with this hair type.
As you can see, hair loss treatments for African Americans are not typical of most other hair restoration methods. Genetics play a factor but in a different way than in most other cultures. Instead of once strong hair going thin, hair is produced in fragile condition from the beginning. Make this predisposition for weak hair a problem of the past, and begin actively strengthening your hair with conditioners, conservative styles, and healthy maintenance with the proper tools.
Please visit us to get hair loss treatment reviews.
Read Easy Hair Loss Treatment For Women far more
Easy Hair Loss Treatment For Women
Hair Loss Treatment WomenMen and women are facing the problem of hair loss equally today. Previously baldness was a problem with the men but now it is also a great problem with the women.
Therefore hair loss treatment for women is in great demand these days. Women should be aware of the types of baldness and its causes and finally should also know about all the possible treatment available.
This will make it easier for them to handle these situations.
If you know the cause, then it will be easier for you to find out the exact treatment. It can be temporary or it can even be permanent. Permanent hair loss leads to baldness in women.
So it is very essential that you should know the hair loss treatment for women. Female pattern baldness can start at the age of 30; it is even possible in the early age of 20 as well as in the late age of 40.
The common causes for this condition in women are heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress, pregnancy, medications, diets and aging. Sometimes the stress in the system like fever, depression, drug use and prolonged illness can also lead to baldness.
Treatment for women will help the women to stop the thinning of hair and becoming bald.
Sometimes the hair products also become the cause of hair thinning in women. Women use various kinds of shampoo and other hair products.
These products have different kinds of chemicals and most of the time these chemicals cause hair thinning in most women. So if you want to use such products use only those products which are of high quality.
With the help of this you can prevent it and find out the hair loss treatment for women.
If you are looking for the best natural hair loss treatment for women [http://www.herbalhaircure.com], i highly recommend Provillus hair loss treatment [http://www.herbalhaircure.com].
Understand Hair Loss Treatments That Actually Work a lot more
Hair Loss Treatments That Actually Work
Hair Loss TreatmentHair loss treatments have literally been around for millennia. Hippocrates himself developed a treatment back in ancient Greece. His treatment, which included pigeon droppings, did not however cure his baldness. Men and women have gone to great lengths to cover thinning hair and baldness. Hats, hairpieces, wigs, extensions, comb-overs, hair thickeners, transplants, and various other methods have been employed over the years to overcome thinning hair or baldness. Despite coming a long way from using pigeon droppings, doctors and scientists have still yet to come up with a cure. In fact the majority of people purchasing hair loss products today are getting little to no results for their hard-earned dollars.
When deciding on a treatment, you need to be very careful. Many of the "miracle" products you see advertised in magazines and on television are worthless. Their guarantees of preventing male pattern baldness or providing hair restoration are usually too good to be true. Either they are not designed for your type of hair loss or more often they simply just don't work. Unfortunately that is rarely explained to the consumer. Be sure to do your research first. Check if the treatment is FDA approved. Ask your doctor if the treatment is recommended. See if other organizations recommend that particular product. The American Hair Loss Association is a great resource for this topic. They provide a lot of excellent information regarding hair loss and available treatments on their website.
Since an absolute cure is not available, early detection and treatment is essential to hair loss prevention and regrowth. One of the most effective treatments for men is the FDA approved drug Propecia (generic name - Finasteride). The vast majority of men who use Propecia no longer suffer from the loss of hair. A high percentage of them have also experienced hair growth while using Propecia. Though much less effective, minoxidil is another treatment approved by the FDA. This topical treatment, most popularly known as Rogaine, has had mixed results at best. However, if other hair loss treatments have proven ineffective, then minoxidil might be worth a try.
Unfortunately for women there has been less success with treating female hair loss. Since it is less common in women, pharmaceutical companies are less inclined to devote research dollars towards finding a cure. The only FDA approved treatment that is readily available for women is minoxidil. The good thing is that it is somewhat more effective for women than men. There are also a number of other drugs that were designed for other purposes, but have shown some effectiveness when used to treat women. Aldactone, Tagamet, Cyproterone Acetate, hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, Ketoconazole, and Propecia are some of these options. Before using any of the aforementioned treatments, however, be sure to consult with a doctor first. And remember, regardless of what some advertisements claim, minoxidil and Propecia are the only treatments approved by the FDA.
B. Ferguson invites you to visit http://grayhairdye.net/ and learn more about the choices available to those dealing with gray hair or suffering from hair loss. If you found this article interesting, then you may also enjoy Top 10 Hair Loss Myths.
Study Hair Loss Treatment Review - Which is Best? more
Hair Loss Treatment Review - Which is Best?
Hair Loss TreatmentHair loss is a serious issue for both men and women with more than 85 million people suffering from some form of hair loss at any given moment. Losing hair and having hair grow back that is unusually thin can be traumatic for many people, especially women. Women are at a distinct risk for experiencing feelings of lack of self-worth and lack of self-confidence when confronted with hair loss or thinning hair issues. There are several causes that can be at the root of hair loss problems. A hair loss treatment review can help you decide which treatment plan may be the best for you.
Male and Female Pattern Baldness
Men and women can experience hair loss from genetic issues which are passed down from generation to generation. Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and Female Pattern Baldness (FPB) can be extremely embarrassing. There is nothing you can do to prevent MPB or FPB from causing you a problem, but there are ways to treat it. A hair loss treatment review can help you choose the best option.
Causes other those with genetic roots
Hormonal influences/fluctuations and changes that occur in your body can also cause hair loss. These include pregnancy and menopause for women, and they can be temporary. Medications sometimes interact with your system in a way that brings about hair loss. Thyroid conditions, as well as other serious health issues, can affect the way your hair grows and falls out.
Many treatments aimed solely at men
Some treatment methods found in a hair loss treatment review are specifically designated for men, while others can be used by both sexes. For many years, women were at a distinct disadvantage because hair loss treatments were not discussed for women, seemingly reserving this topic for "men only." Studies were concentrated on men and their hair loss issues, and trying to find a resolution that would work for them. Thankfully, this situation has changed to include research for both men and women.
Two-step treatment program
Provillus offers a unique two-step combination that is designed to treat hair loss in both men and women, and from both outside the body and from within. Provillus utilizes the drug Minoxidil, which is the only FDA-approved treatment for hair loss, in a topical solution. Apply this solution twice a day to the affected areas on your scalp to start revitalization, reach the hair follicles directly through the scalp, and restore an optimum surface for healthy hair to re-grow. The other step in the two-fold process comes in the form of a supplement pill containing vitamins and minerals, including Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto has been proven to be effective in blocking DHT, which is a prime factor in hair thinning and loss and stunted re-growth.
Other options
Procerin is a treatment for hair loss for men between the ages of 18 and 35 only and it is not for use by women. Advecia is another hair loss treatment that has experienced moderate success for some users. The product, Hair Genesis, is based on a scientific hypothesis by a hair expert. Hair Genesis combines three products: soft gel pills containing a few vitamins, shampoo, and a serum for your scalp. Propecia uses the drug, Finasteride, to treat hair loss in men only. Some residual side effects were noted with use of Propecia--namely, temporary loss of sex drive and semen production. A hair loss treatment review shows Propecia to be the most costly among the four comparable methods.
Another hair loss treatment review includes the possible options of hair transplants, lasercombs which incorporate phototherapy, special shampoos and conditioners, and an abundance of solely herbal products.
When you begin to experience hair loss, you need to act quickly because the sooner you get started on a regimen, the better your chances of stopping hair loss, controlling it, and re-growing new, thicker, and healthier hair. Research the internet for a hair loss treatment review until you find the one that makes the most sense to you. A combination plan, such as Provillus, might get you started quickly down the path to success by blocking DHT from getting to your hair follicles and, at the same time, providing essential Saw Palmetto and other nutrients that will nourish your hair while Minoxidil begins work on your scalp.
Please visit us to learn more about hair loss and to see a provillus review.
Read The Problems With Diabetes And Hair Loss additional
The connection between diabetes and hair loss was established long ago.
Diabetes is a hormone related disorder that often leads to hair loss or thinning of the hair.
Frequent loss of hair is often considered one of the early symptoms of diabetes, which requires prompt treatment in order to avoid further complications. The growth of hair is affected by diabetes, which gradually leads to thinning of hair.
Stress is directly related to diabetes and hair loss, as the disease causes excessive anxiety, which in turn becomes the prime cause of hair loss.
Diabetes Leads To Hair Loss:
Diabetes occurs when it becomes difficult for the body to metabolize carbohydrates properly. Diabetics are highly sensitive to skin ailments, as their blood circulation and blood sugar levels are impaired.
Bruises and small wounds often take a relatively long time to heal; therefore, the recovery rate is comparatively slower and obstructs the re-growth of hair.
This causes visible hair reduction, as diabetics cannot maintain the normal cycle of re-growth process. Bacterial and fungal infections on the scalp because of diabetes could also result in hair loss, thereby making diabetes and hair loss inter-related.
Normally, a healthy person would lose around fifty to hundred strands of hair every day. Therefore, if hair loss increases rapidly, you could require medical assistance, since untreated diabetes can escalate hair loss further.
The process:
Diabetes often leads to diffused hair growth that could be a result of medical stress or side effects of certain prescribed medicines to diabetics. It usually depends on the individual's body, as each person responds differently to specific medications. The stress caused by chronic diabetes reduces the growth of hair.
After a period of seven to eight months, hair follicles undergo a resting period and are gradually replaced with the growth of new hair. The replaced strands push the old hair to the surface of the scalp, and the hair falls out, this is known as telogen effluvium.
An autoimmune problem:
The other cause of hair loss due to diabetes is an autoimmune problem, which leads to one or more small bald patches developing on the scalp. This ailment is called alopecia areata.
Other additional autoimmune problems like a dysfunctional thyroid gland, the skin rash vitiligo, pernicious anemia, or Type 1 diabetes, often accompanies it.
Generally, Type 2 diabetes occurs when a hormonal imbalance causes polycystic ovary syndrome. Both the conditions are related to insulin resistance, which refers to the reduced ability of cells in the body to react to insulin.
Early detection and monitoring:
Diabetes often remains undetected because the symptoms at the early stage are not considered significant.
This is a major problem because early detection could slow down its harmful effects. Some of the symptoms of diabetes could be blurred vision, frequent urination, acute hunger, increased thirst, unusual weight loss, fatigue and unnecessary irritation.
Early detection of any of these symptoms, and early treatment could help in early recovery from both diabetes as well as excessive hair loss.
Careful monitoring of blood sugar levels provides relevant information that helps maintain control, which would consequently delay the development of various long-term complications.
Some of these long-term complications of diabetes could be the damage of blood vessels and nerves, loss of functioning of the kidneys, loss of sensation, heart disease and strokes.
Hair loss normally begins at the onset of diabetes and gradually becomes worse after the disease takes charge of the body.
It is very important to get the hair loss symptom diagnosed, to know the root cause of hair fall.
You need to seek a qualified doctor's advice, so that you can avoid further problems, and to desist from using hair lotions and conditioners, which will not help to solve the problem.
Get the help you need with treatments for thinning hair loss by clicking over http://www.Treat-Your-Hair-Loss.com and find help with controlling your diabetes [http://www.4HealthConcerns.com/Diabetes/controlling-your-diabetes.html] at Mike's informative diabetes site.
The Problems With Diabetes And Hair Loss
Study FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment - Review of the Best Hair Loss Products to Prevent Baldness far more
Hair loss is a common problem among men as well as women. Though there are several treatments that would help you grow some more hair the question arises - how many of them have been approved by the FDA? Definitely the one that has been approved by the FDA would draw more attention among people as it becomes more trustworthy.
FDA approved Hair Loss Treatment
There are only three FDA approved hair loss treatments. Out of this two are meant for men while one can help the women. Propecia & Rogaine are taken up by men and women can take only Rogaine. The later one includes two types. They include the Rogaine extra strength & the Rogaine regular strength treatment.
Propecia was started for treating the mild to moderate baldness on the top & the middle front of the head in men. This treatment is meant for men only and it must not be taken up by the children or women in any case. The pregnant women must stay away from propecia tablets as it has some ingredients that may lead to abnormalities in the child. In case any pregnant woman comes in contact with these active ingredients a physician must be consulted immediately. Propecia is taken every day for three months. But it is advisable to consult your physician before taking any of these treatments.
All these FDA approved hair loss treatment must be taken when nothing else helps you. As drugs have some or the other side effects, it is good to try some natural methods of treatment and it is also good to prevent hair loss rather than treating it afterwards.
Here are some of the tips to choose the best product to prevent baldness:
* There are several shampoos that can help you but try to choose the natural ones. It is advised to consult your physician before trying any of them.
* Go for a brand name that has been approved by some medical experts and have wide variety of users. Read the users' comments, reviews and blogs over the internet. They would help you choose the best product.
Smart is a company that has been producing several hair loss products that have all natural ingredients. These would help you treat this problem without any adverse effects.
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FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment - Review of the Best Hair Loss Products to Prevent Baldness
Read through Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables far more
Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
Hair LossHair loss is a problem that many men and women suffer from. I suffered from hair loss for several years until I decided to do my own research and find a way to grow my hair back. One of the things that helped me to fight my hair loss was increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables that I ate.
Eating fruits and vegetables is very important because they contain many of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for promoting hair growth. Some of the vitamins that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can provide you with are Vitamin A, vitamins from the B family, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Some of the minerals that one can obtain by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
It is extremely important to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables everyday because many of the foods that people eat on a regular basis do not contain the essential hair promoting nutrients mentioned above. The reason for this is most of the foods that individuals consume these days have been heavily processed, altered from their natural state to increase shelf-life. When foods are processed, they lose many of the important vitamins and minerals that they contain. It is also important to keep in mind that the fruits and vegetables should be eaten when they are ripe or fresh because in this state they are easier to digest, and, as a result, less taxing on the body.
Vegetables are probably best consumed as a part of your three core meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, one option that I have found to work well is an egg white sandwich with lightly sauteed bell peppers and spinach. The egg whites are a good source of protein, which is also essential for hair growth, and the bell peppers and spinach provide a solid serving of vegetables to start the day.
For lunch and dinner, there are many more options available. Most cuisines (i.e. Greek, Mediterranean, Chinese) offer dishes that contain meat, rice and a couple of servings of vegetables. One of my favorites is the chicken platter offered by many Mediterranean restaurants. The platter at the place where I often go contains a serving of chicken breast, rice, mixed salad and yogurt.
This meal is excellent in terms of the nutritional value that it provides. The chicken breast and yogurt are excellent sources of protein. The rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which provide us with energy to make it through our day. The mixed salad consists of an assortment of vegetables, which contain several of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for hair growth.
Fruits are probably best consumed as a snack as they are very convenient to eat. Some of the fruits that I eat are apples, peaches, plums and strawberries. After working out, I also prefer to have a fruit smoothie because they are great energy boosters and help me to recover quickly from a very strenuous workout. I also include milk in my smoothies to have another source of high-quality protein in my diet. The variety of fruits that I eat as a snack and include in my smoothies ensures that I receive many of the important vitamins and minerals that are required to promote hair growth.
After several months of increasing my consumption of fruits and vegetables, I noticed that on areas of my scalp where my hair was thinning, the hair had started to become thicker, and on areas of my scalp where I had lost my hair, I could see gradual hair growth taking place.
As a result of improving my diet, my body was able to receive the nutrients that it needed in order to promote hair growth. These changes do not require a lot of time to implement; they simply require a strong desire to live a healthier lifestyle.
Karl Smith successfully battled his hair loss and now maintains a full head of hair. For more information on promoting hair growth, please visit his website http://www.stoppinghairlossnow.com.
Study Hair Loss Remedies - Simple Ayurvedic Treatments extra
Hair loss is one of the most embarrassing problem facing most men and women in the world today. It is a common notion that hair loss occurs normally with advancing age, and nothing can be done about that. But that is a wrong belief. There are several effective ways in which hair loss and other hair related problems can be nipped in the bud. The following are some of the most effective home remedies in which this can be achieved.
Treatment with Simple Home Remedies
Remedy # 1
This remedy works if your hair are continuously breaking off and falling. Extract the juice of a single lemon. Finely grind the powder of the root of a banyan tree and mix thoroughly in the lemon juice. Wash your hair with this solution. When done, dry your hair with a drier and then apply more than the normal amount of coconut oil on the scalp. Do this regularly. Within a few days you will find the quality of your hair improving.
Remedy # 2
Prepare the fine powder of the amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) and soak it in water. Keep this overnight. In the morning, squash the powder in the water and let it exude thoroughly into the water. You will get a mild pasty consistency. Then squeeze the juice of a lemon or two. Use this vitamin C rich solution to wash your hair. The solution will foam. Work your hands into the roots of the hair till the foam is profuse. After fifteen minutes of this treatment, you can wash it off. This kind of treatment will not only treat hair loss, but it will also make the hair blacker, denser, longer and softer. A month of this treatment on a daily basis will show you the positive results.
Remedy # 3
Boil some udad daal (lentils) in water. When boiled enough, let them cool. Then mash the daal and apply it vigorously on the hair, working at the roots. This treatment provides proteins to your hair, which is very necessary for their proper growth. Within a few days of this continuous treatment, your hair loss problems will begin to dwindle.
Remedy # 4
This treatment works for alopecia, i.e. baldness or thinness of hair. Take a dry ripe amalaki fruit and grind it to a powder. Put this powder in coconut oil or chameli (Jasminum grandiflorum, Spanish Jasmine) oil. Use this oil to massage the scalp. Then put this solution in water and wash the hair thoroughly. Continue this for a month to observe benefits. You must also chew on the dry amalaki fruit several times a day.
Remedy # 5
If your hair is thinning out, then the following remedy can help. Prepare a mixture of the powders of the seeds, leaves and peel of a pomegranate. Add this to mustard oil. Keep it on a flame. The powders will begin to get cooked. When the powders seem cooked enough, then strain the oil through a cloth and collect the filtrate in a bottle. Cork this bottle. Apply this oil twice or thrice on the scalp in a day. Within a few days, hair loss will stop and new hair will begin growing.
Remedy # 6
Grind some green coriander and extract the juices from it. Use these juices to massage onto the scalp. This will make your hair soft and black and stop hair loss. This remedy is simple but it is so effective that it can even make hair grow back on the scalp. Hence it is looked upon as a treatment for alopecia.
Remedy # 7
This is not a specific remedy, but it is a general method to care for your hair to stop hair loss in the future. Collect one tablespoon of powder of shikakai (Acacia concinna, acacia) and ritha (Sapindus mukorossi, soapnut). Add this powder to half pint of water and boil it. When the boiling has taken place properly, then cool it, strain it, and use the filtrate as you would use a regular shampoo. This is the best natural shampoo in the world, and perhaps the world's oldest pH balanced shampoo. Daily using this shampoo will keep all hair loss problems at bay.
Treatment with Special Ayurvedic Methods
Bhringaraja is the drug of choice for hair problems. It is either taken orally or is used for massaging the scalp on a daily basis in the form of Maha Bhringaraja taila or Nilibhringadi taila. The general mode of using it is to massage on the scalp thoroughly and then to have a bath one hour later. But it must be remembered that Bhringaraja will first remove the weak hair from the scalp. Hence it may appear that the hair is thinning more in the beginning. This is temporary though; the new hair that will grow will be healthier and stronger.
Hair loss (and in fact, all problems relating to hair) are kapha problems. They happen when the kapha dosha is vitiated. Hence, kapha must not be allowed to accumulate in the body. This happens when there is a common cold. For this reason, common colds must be treated quickly. The same can be said about sinusitis.
Hair LossRead more about Hair Loss Remedy. Also find Home Remedies at http://www.ayurvediccure.com - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies
Hair Loss Remedies - Simple Ayurvedic Treatments
Hair LossRead Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think extra
Causes of Female Hair Loss
Today, serious hair loss is an increasing problem that affects about 30 million women in America of all ages. Every month, our hair grows at the rate of about half an inch, and each hair has a growing phase of from two to six years. After that, the hair "rests" for a while, then proceeds to fall out, and the follicle which nourished it starts to grow a new strand as part of an ongoing cycle.
Some of us are genetically predisposed to hairloss, and a group of hormones disturbs the growth process. These hormones (androsteinedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone) are present in a man's body in greater amounts and in a women's body in lesser amounts. In time, some of the hair follicles die, and others are no longer able to produce or maintain normal hair growth.
Female Pattern HairLoss
In women, medical professionals refer to this as "female pattern hairloss," a broad term indicating that many other causes are also related to this condition. These include other enzymes, blockers, and hormone receptors. Since it is diffuse, female pattern baldness encircles the top of the head, and enzyme and hormone receptor sites vary throughout the scalp.
Other causes of female pattern hair loss include polycystic ovary syndrome (a female hormonal problem). Certain autoimmune disorders may cause inflammation of the scalp, and the hair comes out in patches or clumps. Women's natural hair growth patterns can also be altered by severe emotional trauma, childbirth, surgery, "crash" dieting, anemia, thyroid conditions, and certain medications.
Since the causes are varied, it is essential for women who suffer significant hair loss to obtain a correct diagnosis of their condition and find the underlying medical problem that should be treated initially. This is often done with blood tests or, when it becomes necessary, a scalp biopsy.
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