Hair loss in women is not unusual anymore. You can find hair fall and the baldness cases even in women today. The causes for this problem may be any, whether unhealthy diet, hereditary or other health problems.
It is easier to spot a bald guy, than bald women. But did you know that women also face the problem of hair loss. In fact more number of women undergo the hair thinning process.
Women undergo different hair loss treatment without knowing the main causes behind it. Let us discuss about various tips to identify the hair fall causes in women.
Most women lose their hair after giving birth to babies. This is because their hair follicles become dormant, as the body adjusts back from the physiological changes that she was going through since the last 9 months.
Diet too much
Women who diet too much lose hair easily. Women with too much weight, starve a lot which results in hair fall. The reason behind this is that the body doesn't have enough nutrients to maintain it. Besides losing hair, many women loose their teeth as well.
Salon treatments
Ladies often try out different hair salon treatments that involve chemicals as well. Chemicals are very risky as compared to the natural salon treatments.
Perms and colours
It is all right to get your hair coloured and permed. But as soon as you start noticing a sudden difference in your hair, like your hair becoming brittle or dry, it is advised to stop it. Continuing these processes even after witnessing such problems will damage your hair to a higher extent.
Other reasons for women losing hair is due to acute illness. It involves radiation or chemotherapy treatments from cancer. These treatments and other infections can cause your hair to rest, which later results in hair shedding. The hair will not begin to re- grow until and unless your body will heal.
Above are the few reasons that can cause hair fall in women. There are many ways by which women can stop hair from falling and can re- grow them.
Head massage- While washing your hair, rub your head. This will boost the blood circulation, which will help in supplying nutrients to your scalp.
Using a scented shampoo- Using a lavender scented shampoo will help relieving stress, which will in turn help reduce hair fall.
Vitamins- Bringing more and more vitamins like fruits and vegetables to your regular diet can help you to stop hair fall and re- grow healthy hair.
Lysine- Women who will increase the intake of amino acid lysine in their diet, will surely see great improvement within 4 months only.
For any help on Hair loss women, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Hair loss!