Study Hair Loss With Hypothyroidism and Treatment a lot more

Hair loss can be a chief symptom of hypothyroidism problems (low thyroid hormones). These thyroid problems are actually a large contributor to hair loss. And, an estimated .5% of the population has some sort of a thyroid problem.

Iodine deficiencies are one cause of low thyroid hormones, as the thyroid uses iodine to make its hormones. Iodine deficiency is common in those who live farther from the ocean and don't eat as much sea food.

Another major cause is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroid. This is where your immune system will actually attack thyroid cells and cause inflammation which inhibits the production of these important thyroid hormones.

Also, if you have a thyroid problem and are treating it with thyroid hormone replacement or other drugs, this may be what is causing the hair loss. These drugs can produce prolonged and excessive hair loss even.

Of course, you can add another drug to prevent the hair loss. Some are said to feel better when using both T3 and T4 hormones. 

Alternative Treatments for Hair Loss

Many people with hypothyroidism use evening primose oil as a hair loss treatment. It contains GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) which is an essential nutrient that the body can't produce on its own. It does take time to start working though, and using it consistently is very important also. 

Nutrients that are vital for hair growth include the B vitamins especially B3, B5 and B3; biotin, inositol, folic acid, sulfur, magnesium and zinc also are very important.

The amino acids L-Cysteine and L-methionine may enhance texture and growth of hair. 500 mg each twice daily on an empty stomach is the recommended dose.

Hair Loss
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Hair Loss With Hypothyroidism and Treatment